August 27, 2014

Fall Ready: Wear To Work

Even though it was in the high 80's today, I am SO ready for the leaves the change colors and for the fall season to be here. Sadly, I can't make time go any faster or turn on my 'season changing machine', so I lived vicariously through my wardrobe today.

August 17, 2014

August 13, 2014

Nighttime Routine: Makeup Removal & Skincare

Everyone wants perfect skin, right? Well, I haven't figured out the magical solution to perfection but I have found a regime that works for me. I am a HUGE fan of the Clarisonic and Neutrogena face products. My skin has cleared up and remained clear since I started using the Clarisonic. Want to see my full nighttime routine? Take a few minutes and watch. Hope you enjoy. 

August 12, 2014

Drugstore Lipstick: Milani Color Swatch & Review

Measeling around Walgreens, I stumbled upon the perfect purple lipstick and HAD to get it. Violet Volt by Milani cosmetics was the perfect color and had amazing consistency and texture. I loved the color pay off and how it made my lips feel. So, I had to get more, right?! Check out my favorite Milani lipsticks to see why I fell in love with this product.

August 3, 2014

Ulta Beauty Haul

I came home to wonderfulness in the mail... a 20% off coupon to Ulta. Normally, Ulta coupons exclude prestige items, but not this time. I was so excited that I went to Ulta the second I had a chance. Because I had 20% off prestige items (high end brands), I made sure to stock up on some items that have been on my wish list and some of my other favorite products. 

Check out the video to see what products I stocked up on.